《药品管理法》中规定实行特殊管理的药品不包括: 。
A. 麻醉药品
B. 一、二类精神药品
C. 放射性药品
D. 抗生素类药品
A. 对
B. 错
测定盐酸土霉素的比旋度,称取供试品 0.5050g制成50ml溶液,避光放置1小时,用2dm长测定管依法(二部附录ⅥE)测定旋光度为-4.04°,计算比旋度为-200°。
A. 对
B. 错
Children in some countries “learn time slowly” because “they don’t wear watches” and “parents don’t really know how to teach them time”. The kids grow up with this handicap and become adults—and then can’t get to work on time.Question: The word “handicap” means .
A. displeasure
B. discouragement
C. disappointment
D. disadvantage