
Ifyouaretoomuchinahurry,ortoo arrogantlyproudofyourownlimitations,toacceptasagifttoyourhumanitysomepiecesofthemindsofAristotle,orChaucer,orEinstein,youareneither adevelopedhumannorausefulcitizenofademocracy.


I could have told him all this, but it was fairly obvious he wasn’t going to be around long enough for it to matter.

You are on your way to being that new species of mechanized savage, the push-button Neanderthal.

The chances are that few, if any, of you will leave your names to be cut into those stones. Yet any of you who managed to stay awake through part of a high school course in physics, knows more about physics than did many of those great scholars of the past.


A. 资金流
B. 信息流
C. 产品流
D. 以上皆是
