啊,我舞的是狮子头,好累呀,困难的还在后边呢。舞狮者要具备一定的武术功底,只有技术高超的舞狮者才敢做出高难度的动作。“I hold the head, and it is a tiring job. The performance is becoming more difficult ” The dancers must have ______, therefore they can _____ difficult manouvres.
现在舞狮不只是在中国流行,凡是有华人的地方,几乎都有舞狮表演。你如果您的国家有华人舞狮,不妨去看看吧。Now wu shi is not ____ in China but also in any place where Chinese live. “If there’s a Lion Dance in your country, why not watch it ?”
风水是中国非常神秘的一门学术。人们认为,在地球上万物的基础都来自空气,水分和土地。改善风水就是改善人与自然的关系。Feng shui is a ____ knowledge in China. People believe that the ____ of things on the earth from air, water and land. The ____ of feng shui will improve the ____ between humans and nature.
风水最多的用途是在建筑和布置家具。中国人认为最好的房子要融在大自然里。Feng shui is widely used in ____ and interior ____. Chinese believe that the best houses should _____.
有水会带来生机和活力,有鱼会带来好运。这些都是决定风水好坏的因素。Water brings ____ and fish bring good luck. These elements ____ the quality of feng shui.