
在中国传统医疗中针直接刺入皮肉。灸用植物的叶子熏烤身体的特定部位。Zhen means ‘needles that ____ one’s body. Jiu means ’moxibustion’, a special treatment in traditional Chinese medicine. Plant leaves were once used to ____ certain parts of the human body


中医把人体内的能量流通描述成网络的状态,并叫它“经络”Traditional Chinese medicine describes the ____ within the human body as a ___. It is called jingluo

经络上的主要节点叫做穴位The _____ on the network are called xue wei or an acupuncture ____

中医认为针灸在穴位上的刺激能够调动体内能量循环从而排除疾病Traditional Chinese doctors believe that ____ the xue wei can ____ and ____

比如针灸足三里穴位有健胃等多种作用针灸内关穴位对心脏会有疗效For example, having zhen jiu on zu san li can ____ and having zhen jiu on neiguan is good for one’s heart
