Urban Energy Planning for a Sustainable Environment
The People's Republic of China (China) is the world's most populous country and the second largest energy consumer, with a rapid economic growth that has led to sharp increases in energy demand. In order to address this issue, China has to make a large investment in energy development and production and in the improvement of energy efficiency.
At the beginning of 1998, the Chinese government enforced the Energy Conservation Law (ECL), promoting and encouraging energy efficiency as well as the development and use of renewable energy.
In November 2001, in the framework of the Sino-Italian Cooperation Programme for Environment Protection (SICP), the Italian Ministry of Environment and Territory (IMET) and the State Environmental Protection Administration of the People's Republic of China (SEPA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
According to the MOU, SEPA and IMET agreed to undertake the project titled Urban Energy Planning for a Sustainable Environment (UENP) at the municipal level. A set of "target" municipalities was identified within China's territory, allowing for a subsequent dissemination of the UENP approach to other locations with similar energy efficiency problems. Initially, the energy planning effort will be primarily focused on three cities: Jinan, Suzhou and Taiyuan.
Project Objectives
The general objective of the UENP is to identify and evaluate optimal solutions to reduce CO2 emissions and to improve the integrated environmental quality in the long run.
More specific objectives are:
the assessment within the "pilot" municipalities of the potential for an increase in energy efficiency in the most significant energy consumption sectors, taking into account the general structure of energy supplies and use and related environmental pollution issues.
the formulation of feasible energy planning for each one of the pilot municipalities which may serve as a basic support for and guidance to the local authorities in the energy development and environmental protection sectors.
The UENP will enable local governments to make appropriate decisions about energy production and consumption at the local level, for the industry, agriculture, service, and civil infrastructure sectors. The development of such a planning tool will involve both international and national experts as well as local experts and authorities in order to guarantee the sharing of the results.
Capacity Building
All of the activities included in Phases A, B and C will be performed through a close cooperation between the Italian and the Chinese expert teams. During the project, a specific program of training and capacity building for the Chinese experts will be activated.
Project Funding
The total cost of the project is 1.1 million Euro, including 0.3 million Euro for the activities to be performed by SEPA. CETMA will act as the implementation agency for the Italian side.
Duration of the Project
The duration of the project is estimated to be 18 months.
Methodological Approach
The UENP will consist of the following three phases:
Phase A: Energy Planning Framework
Aim of this phase will be to assess the current energy situation in China, with a national as well as a regional perspective.
This exercise will provide the conceptual and strategic framework for the activities to be developed in the following project phases. Phase A will include the following main activities:
review of the present conditions of the national and regional economics, energy sources and environment;
estimation of energy demand (medium and long term) and the potential load on the environment.
Phase B: