
What problem does the man's grandmother have()

A. She refuses to have any new electronic gadgets.
B. She is unable to use her household electronic items.
C. She has difficulty adapting to the life in this new city.
D. She orders the man to set up household electronic items


What do the man's grandmother and the woman's aunt have in common()

A. They are both too old to try anything new.
B. They both take lessons to use electronic items.
C. They are both too old to try anything new.
D. They both take lessons to use electronicitems.

What will the man do to help his grandmother()

A. Get her easy and fun Wii golf games.
B. Spend time playing Wii tennis with her.
C. Try to make her interested in electronic items.
D. Buy her video games made for elderly people.

What websites are the most popular among wilfers()

A. Shopping websites.
B. Travel websites.
C. Music websites.
D. News websites.

What did the poll find out about wilfing()

A. People under 25 were more likely to wilf than those aged 55 and above.
B. Women cinfessed that wilfing damged the relationship with their partners.
C. Internet users spent no more than 30 percent of their Internet time wilfing
D. Women tended to spend more time wilfing on the Internet than men.
