If I _______ the lottery, I would give some of the money to each member of my family.
A. win
B. have won
C. will win
D. won
Medicine should not be kept _______ it is approachable to children.
A. when
B. where
C. which
D. that
Most people are ______ in a dentist's office than in a doctor's office.
A. obviously nervous
B. moreobviously nervous
C. obviously more nervous
D. more nervousobviously
If we ______ enough rain last year, we could have gained a good harvest.
A. have
B. had
C. have had
D. had had
下列各句中省略号使用有误的一项是 ( )
A. 呜--腾腾吐吐,腾腾吐吐……车到站了。
B. 她一头扑过去,抱着女儿已经僵冷了的身体,放声大哭起来……
C. 在农村插队时,他自学了语文、历史、生物、化学……等。
D. 有一首诗说:“龙盘虎踞帝王州,帝子金陵访古丘。……”其间“龙盘虎踞”就与现在说的“虎踞龙盘”不同。