

A. x>10
B. x<=10
C. x>=100
D. x<100


【单选题】共享单车自投入运行以来,为解决“最后一公里”提供了便利,随着共享单车的普及,私自占有或恶意破坏共享单车的现象也越来越多。如何治理针对共享单车的不文明行为,让共享单车在共治中远行,这是( )

A. 环境道德的要求
B. 社会公德的要求
C. 职业道德的要求
D. 家庭美德的要求

Valentine’s Day probablyhasitsoriginintheancientRomancelebration called Lupercalia (牧神节). It was celebrated on February 15. In the Roman calendar February was in the spring. The celebration honored the gods Lupercus and Faunus as well as the twin brothers Romulus and Remus, the legendary founders of Rome. As part of the ceremony the priests paired up young men and women. The girls’ names were placed in a box and each boy drew a girl’s name. The couple was paired then until the next Lupercalia.In 260 AD the emperor Claudius II, called Claudius the Cruel, decided that young soldiers would only be distracted by marriage and so ordered that young men may not marry. Valentinus (Valentine), a Christian priest, defied the emperor and marry young people in secret. He was caught and executed on February 14, the eve of Lupercalia. His name became associated with young love forever after. In 496, Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honor him as Saint Valentine and it has been St. Valentine’s Day ever since.In the Middle Ages some of the customs of the Lupercalia still persisted in spite of the attempts of the Church to put an end to these non-Christian customs and Christianize the holiday. Both men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. They would wear the names on their sleeves for a week. Today we still sometimes “wear our hearts on our sleeves” when we cannot conceal our feelings.In the 1600s, it became common to give flowers, particularly the rose, as a sign of love as the “language of flowers”. This came to Europe from Turkey. The color and placement of the rose held a special significance--a red rose, for example, meant beauty. Flowers have been part of Valentine’s Day ever since1.Whatdoesthepassagemainlytellus?A.ThecustomofValentine’sDay.B.AstoryabouthowValentinusdefiedtheemperor.C.Therelationshipbetweenmarriageandreligion.D.TheoriginofValentine’sDay.2.Youngsoldierswerenotallowedtomarrybecausetheemperorwasafraidthat______.A.theywouldassociatewithSt.ValentineB.theywouldn’tconcentrateontheirjobC.theywoulddefytheemperor’sorderD.theyweretooyoungtomarry3.Whatdoestheword“defied”(underlinedinParagraph2)probablymean?A.Followed.B.Triedtocheat.C.Refusedtoobey.D.Condemned.4.ThedayFebruary14hasbeenSt.Valentine’ sdaysince______.A.260ADB.496ADC.thefoundingofRomeD.theMiddleAges5.AccordingtoParagraph3,whatdoesthephrase“wearourheartsonoursleeves”mean?A.Tohideourtruefeelings.B.Toshowourtruefeelingsopenly.C.Todemonstrateourlove.D.Tokeepourfeelingsinourmind.


A. 红细胞不被受血者红细胞所凝集
B. 红细胞不被受血者血清所凝集
C. 红细胞不发生叠连
D. 血清不使受血者的血清所凝集
E. 血清不使受血者的红细胞所凝集


B. O型血可少量、缓慢输给其他血型者
C. AB型者可少量、缓慢接受其他血型血
D. Rh阳性者可接受Rh阴性的血液
E. 父母的血可直接输给子女
