
Which route of administration could enable a drug to reachthe highest level in serum?

A. local administration ;
B. oral route;
C. Intramuscular injection,
D. IV route.


Which two components in R plasmid are crucial in spread of antibiotics-resistance?

A. tox gene + R determinants;
B. RTF+R determinants;
C. Origin + RTF;
D. Origin + F factor

Which one of the following structures is encoded by the RTF of R plasmid?

A. peptidoglycan,
B. lipoprotein,
C. flagellum.
D. Sex Pili,

Which type of gene transfer associated with spread of drug resistance is determined by RTF of R plasmid?

A. conjugation
B. transduction
C. transformation,
D. Lysogenic conversion

Which one might be encoded by the R determinants of R plasmid?

A. DNA polymerase;
B. The enzymes can inactivate the antibiotics.
C. RNA polymerase;
D. Gyrase;
