Your answer to Question 2 is ______.
A. Einstein was interested in electricity while Franklin was not.
B. Franklin was interested in electricity while Einstein was not.
C. Einstein was a great experimentalist while Franklin was not.
D. Franklin was a great experimentalist while Einstein was not.
Your answer to Question 3 is ______.
A. Theorists are more creative than experimentalists.
B. Experimentalists are more creative than theorists.
C. Our minds can work creatively in both theory and experimentalism.
D. Creativity plays no role in the fields of theory and experimentalism.
A. 驱动桥润滑不良
B. 差速器轴承过紧
C. 主被齿轮间啮合间隙过小
D. 驱动桥传动间隙过大
A. 差速器齿轮损坏
B. 差速器轴承间隙过大
C. 主被齿轮间啮合间隙过小
D. 驱动桥传动间隙过大
A. 主动锥齿轮与从动锥齿轮啮合不良
B. 行星齿轮与半轴齿轮啮合不良
C. 驱动桥润滑不良
D. 差速器轴承过紧