
有以下程序main(){int m=3,n=4,x;x=-m++;x=x+8/++n;printf("%d\n",x);}程序运行后的输出结果是()


有以下程序main(){int x=102,y=012;printf("%2d,%2d\n",x,y);}执行后输出结果是()

蜡染是种用蜂蜡做防染剂的古老防染工艺,距今大约有2000多年的历史了.除了用蜂蜡做防染剂外蜡染还用靛南做染料,一种钢刀作为绘制图案的工具Batik, la ran, is a ____ painting and textile _____, with a history of more than 2,000 years. Bee’s wax and indigo are two widely used dyes. A ____e is used to ____ on the cloth

经过涂蜡绘图染色脱蜡漂洗这些步骤后,一块完整的蜡染布就完成了.蜡染中最奇妙的是当蜡冷却后,在织物上产生的龟裂色料渗入裂缝产生变化多样的色纹A piece of la ran is _____ after spreading was, painting, dyeing and washing the cloth. The most interesting part is that _______ along the cracks of the cloth after cooling

同样的图案蜡染后却可得到不同的色纹.花鸟鱼虫几何图案映衬深蓝的底色蜡染显得古朴而神秘Different grains come from the same patterns. Flowers, birds, fish, insects and ____ on the cloth look ____
