Contingency planning involves:应急计划编制包括:
A. Defining the steps to be taken if an identified risk event should occur定义一旦已识别风险发生后要采取的步骤。
B. Establishing a management reserve to cover unplanned expenditures建立一个管理储备用于未计划的花销。
C. Preparing a stand-alone document that is separate from the overall project plan准备一个独立文件,和整体项目计划分隔开。
Determining needed adjustments to make during the implementation phase of a project确定在项目执行阶段需要进行的调整。
How to deal with non critical risks? 对于非关键风险该如何处理?
A. Record to provide historical data for other projects记录在案为其他项目使用提供历史资料
B. Record and review again during project implementation记录并在项目执行过程进行再次审查
C. Put it aside after recording, because it has been considered in the emergency plan记录后搁置一边,因为在应急计划中已经得到考虑
D. Record and hand over to customer记录后交给客户来处理
Management reserve is used for——管理储备是用于
A. Risks that are identified at the outset of the project项目开始时被识别的风险
B. Risks that are not identified at the outset of the project but are known before they occur项目开始时未被识别,但在发生前被识别的风险
C. Risks that cannot be known before they occur because they are external risks在发生前不可能知道的外部风险
D. Any risks that cannot be known before they occur任何在发生前不可能知道的风险
Risk probability impact matrix is 风险概率影响矩阵()。
A. Based on the comprehensive consideration of risk probability and impact, the risk is prioritized在综合考虑风险概率与影响的基础上,对风险进行优先级排序
B. Used to query the risk probability and impact 用于查询风险发生的概率和影响
C. For effective risk management用于有效管理风险
D. It is an effective risk avoidance technology是有效的风险回避技术
The risk identification process will get风险识别过程会得到()。
A. Risk breakdown structure 风险分解结构
B. Risk list and risk characteristics风险清单及风险特征
C. Owner for risk response风险责任人
D. Risk response measures 风险应对措施