

A. 只是企业领导的责任
B. 对普通员工没有要求
C. 是每一位领导和员工的责任与义务
D. 不能影响员工之间的关系



A. 为了及时下班,可以直接拉断电源总开关
B. 下班前搞好工作现场的环境卫生
C. 工具使用后应按规定放置到工具箱中
D. 电工一般不允许冒险带电作业

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.1. Uponcompletion of this course, the successful student will be able to write a ____________ Android app.2. Discussions for this year’s _________ are likely to include higher fuel charges.3. I used to have a __________ about my looks.4. Jane was part of a team that had struggled hard to finish a difficult ____________.5. Her center is __________ of many across the country–a non-profit organization that cares for about 50 children.6. Those who have an ____________ complex feel that they are of less worth or importance than others.7. His good personality made him popular with his ________.8. This inexpensive art projector is easy to use, light in weight, __________ and gives a sharp image.9. Please sit down and _________ why you feel so upset.10. The hotel offers a high standard of service at very ____________ rates.


A. 企业
B. 公益组织
C. 自然人
D. 登记为一般纳税人的个体户


A. 10万
B. 15万
C. 20万
D. 30万
