
Translate the following sentences into Chinese.Nowadays mobile phones are no longer treated as luxuries that only the rich can afford. Rather, they have turned out to be a necessity in our lives, placed in the list of must-have items.


Structurally speaking, an effective argumentative essay typically has five basic components.

A. 对
B. 错

1.下列关于呼吸和呼吸过程的描述,错误的是( )

A. 机体与外界环境之间的气体交换过程,称为呼吸
B. 肺与外环境之间的气体交换,称为肺通气
C. 外呼吸是指肺通气与肺换气的过程
D. 气体进出肺的过程叫呼吸
E. 内呼吸是指血液与组织细胞之间的气体交换过程

2.肺通气的原动力来自( )

A. 肺内压和胸膜腔内压之差
B. 肺的扩大和缩小
C. 胸廓的扩大和缩小
D. 呼吸肌的收缩和舒张
E. 胸膜腔内压的周期性变化

3.肺通气的直接动力来自( )

A. 呼吸肌的舒缩
B. 肺舒缩运动
C. 肺内压与大气压之差
D. 胸廓的舒缩
E. 肺内压和胸内压之差
