A. 敛肺止咳
B. 固表止汗
C. 固精止带
D. 涩肠止泻
E. 缩尿止遗
A. 泻热通便
B. 清热燥湿
C. 苦温燥湿
D. 泻火存阴
E. 清热泻火
A. 软化坚硬
B. 泻火存阴
C. 润下
D. 泻下
E. 消散结块
A. 气味
B. 质地
C. 颜色
D. 炮制
E. 配伍
Directions:This section is to test your ability to give proper response.There are 5 recorded questionsin it.After each question,thereisa pause.The questions will readtwice.When you hear a question,you shoulddecide on the correctanswerfrom the4 choices markedA, B, C and D.Which one is the correct answer?
A. Yes, I do.
B. No, I didn’t.
C. It was a waste of time.
D. It lasts two hours.