A. 汇票被拒绝承兑的
B. 承兑人或者付款人死亡、逃匿的
C. 承兑人或者付款人被依法宣告破产的
D. 承兑人或者付款人因违法被责令终止业务活动的
A. 被拒绝付款的汇票金额
B. 汇票金额自到期日或者提示付款日起至清偿日止,按照中国人民银行规定的利率计算的利息
C. 取得有关拒绝证明和发出通知书的费用
D. 茶水费
According to the Negotiable Instruments Law of the People's Republic of China (2004 Revision)After liquidating the debts according to the provisions of the law, the person against whom the right of recourse is made may exercise the right of re-recourse against other debtors of the bill of exchange and request other debtors to pay the following amount and expenses:
A. The total amount liquidated
B. The interest calculated at the rate specified by the People's Bank of China on the amount liquidated mentioned in the preceding item from the date of the liquidation to the date of liquidation for re-recourse
C. Expenses on notifications
D. Tea Charge
A. 已清偿的全部金额
B. 前项金额自清偿日起至再追索清偿日止,按照中国人民银行规定的利率计算的利息
C. 发出通知书的费用
D. 茶水费
A. 拒绝证明、退票理由书
B. 死亡证明、死亡宣告书、失踪宣告书
C. 人民法院的有关宣告破产的司法文书
D. 有关行政主管部门的责令终止业务活动的处罚决定