听录音,填写缺失的字母。Listen and write down the missing letters to the sounds you hear._ip
听录音,填写缺失的字母。Listen and write down the missing letters to the sounds you hear.ri_
听录音,填写缺失的字母。Listen and write down the missing letters to the sounds you hear._it
听录音,填写缺失的字母。Listen and write down the missing letters to the sounds you hear.mi_
A. 左祖右社是中国礼制思想的一种重要体现
B. 所谓左祖是指在宫殿左前方设祖庙
C. 祖庙也称太庙,是帝王祭祀祖先的地方
D. 所谓右社是在宫殿右前方设社稷坛
E. 社为粮食神,稷为土地神,社稷坛是百姓祭祀土地神粮食神的地方