
During planning you sit down and estimate the time needed for each task and total them to

A. The team did not create the estimate and estimating tales too long using that method
B. The team did not create the estimate and a network diagram was not used
C. The estimate is too long and should be created by management
D. The project estimate should be the same as the customer's required completion date


【问题1】(4分) 写出代码1运行后的输出结果。 【问题2】(3分) 写出代码2运行后的输出结果。 【问题3】(8分) 代码3的功能与代码2完全相同,请补充3中的空缺,将解答写入答题纸的对应栏内。


A. 对变更申请应当快速反应
B. 建设单位、承建单位都具有变更申请的权利
C. 应明确界定项目变更的目标
D. 需求变更只需要得到建设方确认即可

A software requirements specification is that () .

A. a rough list of things that the proposed software ought to do
B. a precise list of things that the proposed software ought to do
C. a formal list of things that the proposed software must do
D. an estimate of the resouroes (time, money, personnel, etc) which will be required to construct the proposed software

The basic units of a computer sysiem are as follows: () .

A. CPU, memory and disk
B. CPU, input and output
CPU, memory and ALU
D. CPU, memory and I/O system
