

A. 对
B. 错


(2016改编)下列有关Word 2010格式刷的叙述正确的是:

A. 格式刷只能复制纯文本的内容
B. 格式刷只能复制字体格式
C. 格式刷只能复制段落格式
D. 格式刷既可以复制字体格式也可以复制段落格式

(2015改编)在Word 2010中,编辑文本可以使用( )复制文本的格式

A. 剪贴板
B. 格式刷
C. 鼠标左键拖动选择的文本
D. 鼠标右键拖动选择的文本

Taking a medical history and performing a physical examination usually provide the information 1a doctor needs to evaluate a person’s health or to understand2is causing an illness.

By determiningthere are too many or not enough of each blood cell type, a CBC can help to detect a wide variety of illnesses or signs of infection.
