
Cet-6-1.11-Exercise 01E) But the momentum of incandescent lighting does not stop there. All of those specialized bulbs led to the building of specialized light fixtures, from the desk lamp you study by, to the ugly but beloved hand-painted Chinese lamp you inherited from your grandmother, to the ceiling fixture in your closet, to the light in your oven or refrigerator, and to the light that the dentist points at you. It is easy to change a light bulb, sure, but it is harder to change the bulb and its fixture.

A. The author suggests a return to the true spirit of the market.
B. Changing a light bulb is easier than changing the fixture housing it.


根据会计法律制度的规定,下列各项中,不属于企业财务会计报告组成部分的是( )。

A. 年度财务预算
B. 财务情况说明书
C. 会计报表附注
D. 会计报表

根据会计法律制度的规定,下列各项中,属于会计账簿的有( )。

A. 备查账簿
B. 日记账
C. 明细账
D. 总账

根据会计法律制度的规定,下列各项中,属于会计核算内容的有( )。

A. 财物的减值
B. 有价证券的购入
C. 债务的偿还
D. 资本公积的形成

国有企业应当至少每两年一次向本企业的职工代表大会公布财务会计报告。( )

A. 对
B. 错
