

A. 货币信用
B. 货币对换
C. 货币流向
D. 资金筹集


Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
听力原文: Police in Spain say that they have seized nearly three tons of illegal ivory in a raid on a workshop in the capital Madrid. They say it's the biggest single haul of carved ivory ever found. Investigators estimate that it would have come from around four hundred African elephants. The police say the owner of the workshop could only prove that five hundred kilos of the ivory in his possession had been legally bought.
What can be inferred from the news?

A. Ivory trading is prohibited in Spain.
B. Most of the seized ivory is not legally bought.
C. The ivory came from 400 African elephants.
D. The workshop owner was caught smuggling.

听力原文:F: Good morning, Professor Zhang. Welcome to our program. Would you like to say hello to the audience?
M: Hello, everyone! And good morning, Miss Zhou. I'm glad to be here to attend your program.
F: It's our honor to have you here, Professor. In the past Labor's Day, we enjoyed a seven-day break. Many people spent their holidays traveling. Yet, instead of relaxing themselves, they found themselves having suffered a lot. They were trapped in hotels, railway stations, and airports because they couldn't get the tickets back; they were unable to appreciate the scenery because there were huge crowds all the time. They complained to the travel agencies for their terrible service. They believed the government is only interested in making money and care about nothing else. What's your comment on it?
M: Well, the so-called "holiday economy" should have been a good thing. To the government, tourism contributes significantly to GNP, it boosts the local commerce, it provides seasonal jobs for many people thus solve or ease the problem of unemployment, and helps them to understand different customs, widen their horizons, gives them a chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery and the wonders of mankind.
F: Then how come the holiday turned out to be a big headache?
M: Well, the reasons are rather complicated. To put it briefly, the government had underestimated the number of the tourists. They were not fully prepared. This is indeed a lesson for us and worth thinking carefully. There is a huge potential market for developing tourism, but you have to invest a lot of things like better facilities, better service before you make good money.
Where did this dialogue take place?

A. In a TV studio.
B. In an auditorium.
C. In a laboratory.
D. In a classroom.


A. 投标人相互串通投标或与招标人串通投标,招标人以向招标人或评标委员会成员行贿的手段谋取中标的,中标无效,处中标项目金额千分之五以上千分之十以下的罚款;对单位直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处单位罚款百分之五以上百分之十以下的罚款;有违法所得的,并处没收违法所得;情节严重的,取消一年到二年内参加依法必须进行招标的项目的投标资格并予以公告,直至吊销营业执照;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;给他人造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任
B. 以不合理条件限制或排斥潜在投标人,对潜在投标人实行歧视性待遇,强制投标人组成联合体共同投标,或者限制投标人竞争的,责令改正。可以处1万元以上5万元以下的罚款
C. 以他人名义投标或以其他方式弄虚作假骗取中标的,中标无效。给招标人造成经济损失的依法承担赔偿责任,构成犯罪的追究刑事责任
D. 中标人将中标项目转让给他人的,将中标项目肢解后分别转让给他人的,违反本法规定将中标项目的部分主体、关键性工作分包给他人,或分包人再次分包的、转让、分包无效,处转让、分包项目金额千分之五以上千分之十以下的罚款;有违法所得的,并处没收违法所得,可以责令停业整顿;情节严重的,由工商行政管理机关吊销营业执照
E. 中标人不履行与招标人订立的合同的,履约保证金不予退还,给招标人造成的损失超过履约保证金数额的,还应当对超过部分予以赔偿;没有提供履约保证金的,应当对招标人的损失承担赔偿责任;中标人不按照与招标人订立的合同履行义务,情节严重的取消其二至五年内参加依法必须进行招标项目的投标资格并予以公告,直至电工商管理机关吊销营业执照

If you are working in a "warm"—color surrounding, which of the following is most likely to

A. Severe headache.
B. Low blood pressure.
C. Rapid heartbeat.
D. Breathing difficulty.
