
Question 6

A. Release it into the wild.
B. Return it to its owner.
C. Send it back to the zoo.
D. Give it a physical checkup.


Question 7

A raccoon can perform acts no human can.
B. A raccoon can climb much higher than a cat.
C. The raccoon did something no politician could.
D. The raccoon became as famous as some politicians.

确诊棘球蚴病的依据是( )

A. 在粪便中找到虫卵
B. 在粪便中找到棘球蚴
D. 在摘除物中有胶质
E. 从摘除物中找到原头节

棘球蚴在人体寄生最常见的部位是( )

A. 肝
B. 脑
C. 肺
D. 骨
E. 眼

关于细粒棘球绦虫,下列哪些选项正确( )

A. 又称囊虫
B. 链体由幼节、成节和孕节各一节组成
C. 虫卵与带绦虫卵在光镜下难以区别
D. 感染期是虫卵
E. 致病期是棘球蚴
