
Ikea offers the same range everywhere -- they don’t tailor its stores to local markets and Anders Dahlvig believes Ikea will double its sales in the next five years.


I would love to spend some time in England or America to improve my English.

The last time we gave you an order it was unfortunately two weeks late, and this is not really acceptable.

儿童的髋骨是由三块骨借助软骨连接而成,成年后就合并成为一块髋骨,它们是( )。

A. 髂骨、坐骨和耻骨
B. 髌骨、髂骨和尺骨
C. 髂骨、坐骨和指骨
D. 髂骨、趾骨和耻骨

骨的构造主要包括( )。

A. 骨膜、骨质、骨板
B. 骨膜、骨干、骨髓
C. 骨骺、骨质、骨髓
D. 骨膜、骨质、骨髓
