The party _____ shall appoint 3directors.
A. that have 70% shareholding
B.have 70% shareholding
C. with 70% shareholdings
D.having 70% shareholding
We have noticed the Britishproducers _____ a joint venture agreement with Chinese companies.
A. interest in
B.are interested in
C. are interested
D. interest
We have agreed to _____ a jointventure company in that developing country.
A. put forward
B. set up
C.put up
D. open
综合机械化采煤设备出现的时间是( )。
A. 20世纪40年代
B. 20世纪50年代
C. 20世纪60年代
滚筒采煤机按截割机构的数量分,可分为( )采煤机。
A. 内牵引和外牵引
B. 单滚筒和双滚筒
C. 链牵引和无链牵引