

A. 推翻资本主义统治,实现共产主义社会
B. 发展生产力,使我国由农业国转变为工业国
C. 求得民族独立和人民解放,实现国家繁荣富强和人民共同富裕
D. 进行反帝反封建的民族民主革命,求得民族独立和人民解放


The phrase"in lieu of"(Line 2,Paragraph 4)most probably means______.

A. on behalf of
B. in line with
C. with regard to
D. instead of

What does Eliza almost forget to ask Professor Winston?

A. To put the homework on David' s desk.
B. To leave the master key for David.
C. To give David' s students the next assignment.
D. To call David at the end of the afternoon.

香港“廉政公署”自1974年成立以来,强力肃贪,共调查2 200多件贪污、行贿案件,检控涉案不法政府官员1

A. 反腐败斗争会影响经济建设
B. 反腐败斗争本身是不会影响经济建设的
C. 香港的贪污腐败现象十分严重
D. 香港经济的发展与繁荣很大程度上要归功于其有一支廉洁高效的公务员队伍

Why does the author mention the egg?

A. Because it is also a kind of packaging material.
Because it contains similar proportions with Lean Material.
C. Because it serves as a sign for this fledgling firm.
D. Because it is an enlightenment of Rosen's invention.
