
Can you tell me ___________(销售经理办公室在哪)?

A. Where the Sales Manager's office is
B. Where is the Sale Manager's office
C. Where the Sale Manager's office is


The bus stop is ___________(刚好在我的公寓对面).

A. just next to my house
B. just close to my apartment
C. just opposite my apartment

___________(往西走两个街区)and you will be there.

A. Walk west for two blocks
B. Walk west for two lines
C. Walk west for two districts

The Sales Department is ___________(在人力资源部隔壁).

A. next to the Human Resources Department
B. close to the Human Resource Department near the Human Resources Department
C. near the Human Resources Department

You need to ___________ (转车)at the bus stop.

A. change
B. exchange
C. transfer
