Amongst the factors that increase aggressiveness are hunger, the mating season and surprise, with the last mentioned the commonest; when hunting for food or for mate. activity and the aggressive instinct are both at their peak. Owing to their poor sense of hearing snakes are very liable to be, quite literally, caught napping and a similar situation arises during their periods of temporary blindness just before sloughing (蜕皮)begins. By far the greatest number of snake-bit accidents result from the unwitting disturbance of resting snakes. and this hazard is much increased with species that are well disguised and whose natural instinct is to trust to this concealment as their principal defense. As well as differences in aggressiveness between individuals of the same species according to the circumstances and conditions, there are also notable differences between species, even closely allied species; and the reports of those who have been attacked may understandably be lacking in objectivity. So it is impossible to forecast. even in outline, how any encounter will develop.
The Hamadryad, for example, is usually credited with being amongst the most aggressive of snakes. and there are many accounts of unprovoked attacks, yet on one occasion fourteen men and seven dogs passed and returned within two yards from a nest and no snake was seen although the female. which guards the nest, could not have been far away.
When a snake meets a potential enemy, its primary device is______________.
A. avoiding any observation
B. Finding a safe shelter
C. giving a warning threat
D. starting a quick attack
题干:中年男性,右上肢外展牵拉伤,患肩疼痛,以健手托患侧前臂。检查:患侧方肩,杜加氏征阳性 其可能诊断是
A. 锁骨骨折
B. 肱骨解剖颈骨折
C. 肱骨外科颈骨折
D. 肩关节脱位
E. 肩锁关节脱位