
World welfare under a customs union

A. Increases due to a trade creation effect
B. Decreasese due to a trade diversion effect
C. Depends on the relative strength of the trade creation effect and the trade diversion effect
D. All of the above


A common market

Allows the imposition of common external trade barriers against non-members
B. Represents less economic integration than a free trade area
C. Does not permit free movement of goods among member nations
Dose not allow free movement of factors of production among nations

The gains from having an optimum currency include

A. Price differentiation
B. Lower competition
C. Lower transaction costs
D. Both b and c

Luxembourg is a member of:

A. a free trade area
B. a monerary union
C. Benelux
D. Both a and c

The European Union protects its agricultural producers from import competition by the use of tariff rates that vary directly with world prices.

A. 对
B. 错
