
Do you dream of taking each day as it comes? Are you ready, as a new college graduate, to (1) down with a job you’ll stick to for years? How would you like a solo adventure abroad instead? If you worry you’ve had very little money (2) up, why not consider a working holiday?Sightseeing and meeting new people sound really exciting, right? Quickly (3) with shooting photos and videos around? Yes, to (4) amazing scenes and memorable moments! For once, you don’t have to think about the job market at home. Nonetheless, you’d better be forewarned. The idea of taking a working holiday abroad may mean uncertainty and anxiety as a result of stepping outside your comfort zone. For example, you won’t have the (5) support readily available from your family and friends. People you will meet daily don’t speak your language and may not (6) the same cultural beliefs as yours. Besides, in the first few days you have no (7) how to find a job and end up (8) out. So here are the tips: (1) Going on (9) first to find friends who’ve been in the country longer than you and who can recommend you to their previous workplace. (2) Using a working holiday program (10) to your arrival that helps you find a job, get a tax number, open a bank account, and more. (3) Looking for work classifieds on street posts, your hostel job board and online job boards like GumTree.A) awkward B) browseC) capture D) clue E) embrace F) emotional G) excursions O) versions H) obsessed I) prior J) remainder K) saved L) settle M) stressed N) tackled



A. 颈内动脉系统
B. 椎-基底动脉系统
C. 大脑前动脉
D. 大脑中动脉
E. 前交通动脉


A. 发作突然
B. 恢复较快,一般仅遗留较轻的神经功能缺损
C. 常反复发作
D. 用小剂量阿斯匹林治疗有效
E. 持续时间短暂,症状和体征在24小时内应完全消失


A. 高血压病
B. 脑动脉粥样硬化
C. 多种脑动、静脉炎
D. 寒冷季节
E. 缺氧


A. 大脑皮质
B. 中脑
C. 内囊和基底节处
D. 脑桥
E. 蛛网膜下腔
