Given the following data, by how much would taxable income change if FIFO is used rather than LIFO?
A. Decreaseby$19,000
B. Increaseby$20,000
C. Increaseby$19,000
Given the following data, what would the income tax amount be if the company uses FIFO?
A. $8,960
B. $10,200
C. $13,440
D. $6,800
Given the following data, what would the net income after taxes be if the company uses LIFO?
A. $8,960
B. $12,720
C. $13,440
D. $6,800
A. informationthatisrelevanttodecisionmaking.
B. forecastsofexpectedfutureearningstohelpinvestorsdecidewhethertoinvestinthecompany.
C. themethodofinventoryused.
D. informationthatfacilitatescomparisonwithothercompanies'financialreports.
A. disclosureprinciple
B. historicalcostprinciple.
C. consistencyprinciple.
D. conservatismprinciple.