
Lesson 5 pushback and start-up 拓展 2-1[音频]P: Nevek Ground, Ibisair 876, request pushbackC: Ibisair 876, Nevek Ground, standbyP: Ibsiar 876C: Ibisair 876, , ________due _______a Qantas 737 for ______, once ________, pushback approved.P: pushback approved once the 737 is clear. Ibisair 876.


Lesson 5 taxi 拓展2-5[音频]P: Qantas 10, received information K, request taxi, ________ from WC: Qantas 10 ________, taxi via W, hold short of A and give way to the triple 7 _________. once that aircraft is clear, taxi to holding point W, runway 36

Lesson 5 推出开车拓展2-4[音频]P: Nevek Ground, Ibisair 12, request start and pushbackC: Ibisair 12, traffic is a 737, _________ you is for _______ , once __________, cleared to start and pushback at own discretion, caution, ________, ________ to the apron, south of taxiway F.Pb: after the 737, cleared to start and pushback, Ibisair 12.

Read the passage and get the answers to the following questions:


A. 保持安静
B. 爱护书刊
C. 不在室内交谈
D. 不抢座位
