Question 24
A. Choose the right school for them.
B. Help them to learn by themselves.
C. Read books and magazines to them.
D. Set a good example for them to follow.
Question 25
A. Their intelligence.
B. Their home life.
C. The quality of their school.
D. The effort they put in learning.
A. 读写文件→打开文件→关闭文件
B. 打开文件→读写文件→关闭文件
C. 打开文件→关闭文件→读写文件
D. 关闭文件→读写文件→打开文件
使用上下文管理关键字( )可以自动管理文件对象,不论何种原因结束该关键字中的语句块,都能保证文件被正确关闭。
A. open
B. close
C. global
D. with