


物品由生产地运达最终使用地,中途经过一次以上落地并换装的一种运输方式称为( )

A. 直达运输
B. 门到门运输
C. 中转运输
D. 联合运输

( )是影响运输合理化最基本的因素

A. 运输环节
B. 运输工具
C. 运输距离
D. 运输时间

The author got a part-time job on a dairy farm________ .

A. to pay for his school tuition
B. to help support his family
C. to get some work experience
D. to earn some pocket money

According to the author, his father and grandfather _________ .

A. had worked harder on the farm than he did
B. had made a living by milking cows on a dairy farm
C. had never complained about life on the farm
D. had never left the farm in their lifetime
