Choose the best answer from the four choices provided for each question.
A. To find a job in the career center.
B. To work a few hours after school.
C. To find a part-time job on campus.
D. To get a job that pays enough money.
Choose the best answer from the four choices provided for each question.
A. Check online to spend less on what he buys.
B. Stop buying a new cell phone from now on.
C. Stop buying the things he really needs or likes.
D. Stop eating at the cafŽ and cook meals himself.
宝供物流企业集团有限公司创建于( )年
A. 1994
B. 1995
C. 1996
D. 1997
宝供物流企业是目前我国最具规模、最具影响力、最领先的( )企业之一
A. 第一方物流
B. 第二方物流
C. 第三方物流
D. 第四方物流
运输配送成本包括( )
A. 燃料
B. 工资
C. 职工福利费
D. 间接费用