
Q4: Which of the following are ways of determination regarding the issue of arbitrability?( )

A. Be determined by the arbitral tribunal as a preliminary point
B. A party may apply to the courts of the seat of the arbitration for an injunction or declaration to the effect that the subject matter of the dispute is not capable of settlement by arbitration
C. A party may commence legal proceedings on the merits of the dispute
D. The arbitrator should be impartial and independent


Seminar 4Q1: Which of the following are the meaning of ‘Competence-competence’?( )

Arbitration is a creature of contract and the jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal arises out of the arbitration agreement.
B. The arbitral tribunal shall decide on its own jurisdiction
C. The parties could challenge the arbitral award
D. An award made by the arbitral tribunal as to jurisdiction may be reviewed by the courts

Q2: Which of the following are the meaning of Party Autonomy in the procedure of international commercial arbitration?( )

A. Permits the parties to choose the laws and make the rules which govern the arbitral proceedings
B. The parties could choose the seat of the arbitration
C. The parties could choose laws and rules
D. The parties cannot agree to prevent any party from presenting its case or in any other way restricting a fair hearing

Q3: Which of the following are the issues could be discussed in the preliminary meetings?( )

Adoption of a set of rules
B. The seat of the arbitration
C. Language of the proceedings
D. The location for hearings

Q4: Which of the following are the meaning of the principle of equal treatment?( )

Applies all along the arbitration
B. Requires similar treatment of similar situations
C. Does not preclude differences provided they are justified by the circumstances
D. The parties should pay the cost equally
