
According to the passage, why are profit opportunities rare?

A. Few people can get a hot tip in the market.
B. Few people have quicker insights than others.
C. Few people are searching such opportunities.
D. Such opportunities are quickly eliminated.



A. 估价对象状况及房地产市场情况均为1994年6月的状态
B. 估价对象状况及房地产市场情况均为1997年7月的状态
C. 估价对象状况为1997年7月的状态,房地产市场情况为1994年6月的状态
D. 估价对象状况为1994年6月的状态,房地产市场情况为1997年7月的状态

So you think you have some of the good things in life. You've got a video tape recorder and a device that answers the phone for you. And there's a gadget that turns on the lights when you're out. Then there are all those goodies in the kitchen. How about the electric knife, the coffee maker, the ice maker?
Feel good about having all that stuff? or do you wonder whether the gadgets are running you instead of you running them?
Americans apparently feel more hurried than ever these days. Part of the reason is trying to keep up with the demands on their time to purchase, store, service, repair, replace, and protect all those "time-saving" machines. Add to them the problems of the extra car and the bigger house. And there's the RV parked on the side lawn. A fellow may, poor soul, feel just at wits end. "Americans are eating up their leisure time by overloading themselves with all kinds of gadgets. "So says one expert in marketing.
The downfall of lots of home is trying to keep up with all the things that go wrong. There's the time spent to call repair people, Next we must wait for them to show up. Then there are the high hourly rates. These may force many people into poor do-it-yourself jobs. And costly tools often save little time because of the small scale of home repairs. Power-mowing most lawns takes as long as mowing by hand. It takes longer if you add the extra hours of work to keep the power mower in repair.
Likewise, "labour-saving" appliances may lighten the housework. But they save little time. Looking for the right electric knife or other new gadget and getting it ready for use often can take more time than doing the job by hand. Studies show we spend even more time on laundry than our grandparents did. That's because we have more clothes and wash them more often. Vacuum cleaners have raised standards of cleanliness. But they tempt people to spend more time than with a broom or dust rag.
Cars are another time gobbler. One expert says that tires and batteries last longer than they used to, But US cars are more prone to break down than they were. Plus, there are more gadgets on them to go wrong. The growing complexity of the car means most owners can no longer play with a screwdriver and wrench under the hood to fix things themselves.
Another problem we face more and more is dealing with computer in place of people. Impersonal, cold, and error-prone machines are replacing clerks. So to fix errors in bills and other problems with a product or service often is a slow and maddening process.
Recreation has changed from the simple pleasures that take time. We don't read, stroll, and visit with friends much now. We're on to complicated, costly things. But to own RVs, backyard swimming pools, and vacation homes is a mixed blessing. Not only do people work more hours to pay for such costly toys, but they have less free time to enjoy them. And repair chews up a lot more time than they bargained for. What's more, many such playthings are not even relaxing. "Buying a video game sounds like fun. But it really is work, "says Ernest Dichter, a marketing expert.
The number of video games and other free time objects grows. And the pressure of choice joins in, Just to choose a free time activity from all the options taxes many people.
And as people crowd their lives with things that eat up so much of their time, they come to feel that time is short. They feel they are in danger of wasting it.
In the end, then, the possessions we consume end up consuming us.
Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?

Americans could not function well without their modern labour-saving machines.
B. Doing repairs on modern appliances takes too long.
C. Despite all their modern conveniences, Americans feel less relaxed than ever.
D. Technology has brought many useful gadgets to contemporary living.

To understand the phenomenon of organised crime, it is necessary to study the social and economic background of the criminal. He is usually a product of a neighbourhood in which a low standard of living prevails. In many cases, he has been a member of a teenage gang with its code of loyalty and exclusive "turf" rights. As a result of the antisocial atmosphere that may prevail in certain neighbourhoods, the gangs would tend also to exhibit evidence of antisocial behaviour of one kind or another. Very often such activity would result in arrest and imprisonment, and the person involved would be well on his way to becoming an outlaw in the social sense. A sufficient number of arrests for minor offences can brand a person as a potential criminal for the rest of his life. Consequently, regular occupations may be denied to him, and he must content himself in legitimate society with a position that is regarded as inferior to others in terms of income and prestige. A reasonably intelligent and ambitious person would tend to become bitter under such circumstances and revert to the pattern of his boyhood group, which gave him a certain self respect.
Persons who enter careers in crime usually are also attracted by the income, or easy money, which they expect to gain and by the prestige as tough and cool manipulators which they can win in their in-group. Furthermore, the standards and values of the teenage gang from which the potential criminals come are often the same as those of an adult criminal conspiracy. This is the case when it comes to loyalty to the leader and the gang. Finally, criminals have shown willingness in the past to take care of their own by providing help for the families of those unfortunate cronies who have been jailed or killed in action. All these incentives combined with the social and economic factors mentioned above contribute toward the personnel and leadership of organised crime.
The great dividing line of the activity of organised crime in the US was the year when the Eighteenth Amendment, prohibiting the sale of liquor was passed. Although certain pressure groups succeeded in having laws enacted against drinking, the social habits of the American people could not be regulated that easily. The demand for liquor remained, and organised crime supplied illegitimately what had been legally provided previously. Crime and violence reached an unprecedented degree until the hoodlums decided to co-operate with each other to a certain extent. After the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment, the illegal production of liquor became negligible by comparison to the volume supplied by gangsters during the era of Prohibition.
To make up for the income that was lost as a result of the repeal of Prohibition, organised crime turned to gambling. The same sociological pattern is evident in gambling as in the case of drinking: the American public could not be stopped from gambling by laws. Criminals organised various gambling activities, sometimes on a nationwide scale. turnover of business due to illegal gambling has been estimated at anywhere from 22 to 50 billion dollars a year.
Certain other types of illegitimate activity are also rich sources of income for organised crime. One of these is the handling and reselling of stolen goods, and another is trade in pornographic literature. Although the turnover of business in the first case might be extremely large, it is not clear whether the involvement of organised crime in the latter trade is too great. Unfortunately, the evidence in both instances has not been collected to a sufficient degree to warrant special treatment here.
What kind of people are most likely to be recruited for criminal activity?

A. People with an antisocial attitude in a low standard of living.
B. People with an arrest record and an antisocial attitude.
C. People with antisocial attitude and behaviour.
D. People without regular occupation and self-respect.


A. 100
B. 149
C. 170
D. 232.3
