
You execute the following commands to audit database activities: SQL > ALTER SYSTEM SET AUDIT_TRIAL=DB, EXTENDED SCOPE=SPFILE; SQL > AUDIT SELECT TABLE, INSERT TABLE, DELETE TABLE BY JOHN By SESSION WHENEVER SUCCESSFUL; Which statement is true about the audit record that generated when auditing after instance restarts?()

A. One audit record is created for every successful execution of a SELECT, INSERT OR DELETE command on a table, and contains the SQL text for the SQL Statements.
B. One audit record is created for every successful execution of a SELECT, INSERT OR DELETE command, and contains the execution plan for the SQL statements.
C. One audit record is created for the whole session if john successfully executes a SELECT, INSERT, or DELETE command, and contains the execution plan for the SQL statements.
D. One audit record is created for the whole session if JOHN successfully executes a select command, and contains the SQL text and bind variables used.
E. One audit record is created for the whole session if john successfully executes a SELECT, INSERT,or DELETE command on a table, and contains the execution plan, SQL text, and bind variables used.



A. 营销管理
B. 人力资源


A. 黑白灰
B. 图形
C. 文字
D. 点、线、面

背景 A公司项目部承包了30层商务楼的机电安装工程,工程内容有建筑给水排水工程、建筑电气工程、通风与空调工程和电梯工程等,合同总工期为12个月。商务楼位于市中心商业街旁,施工场地小,在施工准备阶段A公司项目部编制了施工组织设计、施工方案、施工总进度计划和施工总平面图。在确定风管制作方案时,有工厂预制和现场制作两种方案可以选择。工厂预制质量可靠,进度可以提前,预制费用减少2万元,但运输费用增加3万元。现场制作也可以满足质量和进度的要求,但设备来回运输和装、拆需要1.5万元的费用。在施工中,A公司项目部科学地布置施工现场,合理地安排施工人员,加快施工进度,使工程按合同完成。 A公司项目部编制的施工方案应包括哪些内容?


A. 可以直接连接到网络中进行测量,不影响上行和下行光信号的传输
B. 可以同时测量所有波长的功率
C. 可以检测光信号的突发功率
D. 可以插入到网络中的任何一点进行故障诊断
