

A. 对沿海领土完整进行任何武力威胁
B. 以任何类型的武器进行任何演习
C. 在船上起落任何飞机
D. 在船上发射、降落任何军事装置



A. 110V
B. 220V
C. 180V
D. 250V


A. 系统中任何一台汽轮机出现故障就会影响整个系统的稳定运行
B. 系统中任何一台锅炉出现故障就会影响整个系统的稳定运行
C. 机炉影响较小,系统中任何一台锅炉或者汽轮机出现故障都不会对整个系统出现致命故障
D. 汽轮机和锅炉互不影响


A. 静注肾上腺素
B. 静注多巴胺
C. 静注尼可刹米
D. 急速叩击心脏
E. 人工呼吸

Which of the following statemets regarding Control Plane Policing (CoPP) is correct?()

A. Control Plane Policing (CoPP) addresses the need to protect the management planes, ensuring routingstability, availability, and critical packet delivery.
B. Control Plane Policing (CoPP) leverages MQC to define traffic classification criteria and to specifyconfigurable policy actions for the classified traffic.
Control Plane Policing (CoPP) uses a dedicated "control-plane" command via the Modular QoS CLI (MQC)to provide filtering and rate limiting capabilities.
D. Control Plane Policing (CoPP) uses "service policy" command under relevant interfaces to filter DOS packet to protect routing packets.
E. Control Plane Policing (CoPP) protects the transit management and data traffic through the router.
