标注角度时,尺寸线应画成( ),其圆心是该角的顶点,尺寸线的终端应画成箭头
尺寸界线用细实线绘制,并由图形的轮廓线、轴线或对称中心线引出。也可利用()、( )或( )代替。
A. 轮廓线
B. 粗线
C. 轴线
D. 对称中心线
尺寸线用来表示所注尺寸的度量方向,应用细实线绘制,其终端有( )两种形式。
A. 箭头
B. 直线
C. 折线
D. 斜线
The word "odds" in "Though the odds are that you'll be unemployed and depressed..." (para.1) means
A. something is likely to happen
B. disagree
C. something that is strange
D. something not happening very often