
Design ProcessEngineer 1: Laura, I know this is your first presentation with us. Let me tell you about our design (1).Engineer 2: Thanks. I know every (2) is a little different.Engineer 1: Well, you'll start by bringing your sketches to the meeting tomorrow.Engineer 2: Okay. Is that when we'll discuss the preliminary (3)?Engineer 1: Yes. The engineering team will identify the strengths and weaknesses of the design. Then we'll make some initial adjustments.Engineer 2: Right. I realize that the design process is a (4)effort.Engineer 1: Yes, very much so. After tomorrow's meeting, we'll do a feasibility study.Engineer 2: And that's when we'll decide whether to (5), right?Engineer 1: Exactly. If it looks like the project is viable, we'll move on to the detailed designs.Engineer 2: Are the detailed designs a collaborative effort as well?Engineer 1: Yes. We try to work as a team as much as possible. We get the best results that way.Engineer 2: That makes sense. That's mostly how we worked at my old firm.


一轮船作匀变速航行时所受阻力与速率平方成正比.当轮船的速率加倍时, 轮船发动机的功率是原来的

A. 2倍
B. 3倍
C. 4倍
D. 8倍

外科急腹症的基本特点是( )

A. 腹痛和发热同时出现
B. 先有发热后有腹痛
C. 先有腹痛后有发热
D. 仅表现为腹痛
E. 先有腹痛后有呕吐

急性腹膜炎伴有休克病人宜采用的体位是( )

A. 头低脚高位
B. 头抬高20o--30o,脚抬高15o—-20o
C. 半卧位
D. 平卧位
E. 侧卧位

以下不属于急腹症病人术前评估内容的是( )

A. 腹痛的发生时间
B. 腹痛的性质和程度
C. 腹痛的部位
D. 腹痛与饮食的关系
E. 有无腹痛的家族史
