High risk group during flu season include the elderly, pregnant women, young children and people with poor health.
Doctors and nurses are immune when taking care of the patients infected with influenza.
A. 对
B. 错
属于抗过敏平喘药的是( )
A. 氨茶碱
B. 异丙肾上腺素
C. 麻黄碱
D. 色甘酸钠
E. 肾上腺素
沙丁胺醇的平喘作用是由于( )
A. 松弛支气管平滑肌
B. 增强血管通透性
C. 收缩支气管平滑肌
D. 减弱气道纤毛运动
E. 减轻黏膜下水肿
A. 激励语
B. 表扬语
C. 赞美语
D. 评价语