
Summary of the textThe “___1___” memories I have of female friends are open and intimate. In comparison, memories of male friends are in an entirely different film altogether.My earliest childhood friend, Donald and I used to “fly” to America in an old abandoned German truck. We pretended there was an engine failure and “___2___” each other from certain death hundreds of times. But not one word of our evident feelings for each other was ever __3____. It was all done in ___4___.A recent occurrence made me reexamine and _____5____ my behavior in a new light. One of my best friends, Jessica, and I were swimming at a beach in the Atlantic when we both thought we ___6_____ a shark! In my panic, I ___7_____ to save her. After we got back on the beach, she _____8______ said, “I love you!” and I replied, “Love you too!”The great difference in my _____9_____ styles can be justified according to a research: It seems that men and women have very different __10____ and rational processes. We are born with very different ___11___ tendencies which society encourages as either “masculine” or “feminine”. So it is perfectly normal for one to treat his / her male friends and female friends in entirely different ways.


1. “匠人营国,方九里,旁三门,国中九经九纬,经涂九轨,面朝后市,左祖右社,市朝一 夫”的中国古代城市规划思想,是在什么文献中提出来的?

A. (A)《吕氏春秋》
B. (B)《营造法式》
C. (C)《管子》
D. (D)《周礼•考工记》

1. 《周礼•考工记》体现的我国古代城市规划思想是:[2009-081 ]

A. (A)以管子为代表的自然至上理念
B. (B)崇尚商品经济和世俗生活的规划思想
C. (C)道家“天人合一”的理念
D. (D)以儒家为代表的维护礼制、皇权至上的理念

3. “筑城以卫君,造郭以守民”是战国时期列国都城普遍采用的布局模式。其中“郭”的 意思是:[2006-097]

A. (A)城墙
B. (B)护城河
C. (C)内城
D. (D)外城

