纳税人采取伪造会计凭证的手段偷税,其偷税额为应纳税额的30%以上且偷税数额在10万元以上的,将被判处3年以上?年以下有期徒刑,并处偷税额1倍以上10倍以下的罚款。 ()
A. F(2,30)0.05
B. F(2.28)0.05
C. F(2,31)0.05
D. F(2,28)0.25
E. F(2.28)0.10
A. employees
B. employers
C. employee
D. employer
Which of the following is true according to the passage?
About 200, 000 people in the world have tried bungee jumping.
B. In order to keep one safe, a rope is tied to feet of the jumping.
C. Diving into the sea from the top of the cliffs is much more dangerous than bungee jumping.
D. Many people nowadays feel life dull because they haven't tried bungee jumping.
会计人员以“书记成本”、“厂长利润”进行会计处理时,违背了坚持准则的会计职业道德规范。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误