18. It is mutually beneficial for the Chinese to work with Americans because each can offer what the other needs.
19. Cultural differences come into play when Americans work with the Chinese in terms of work experience, pay and communication style
20. Both the American and the Chinese feel their own disadvantages keep them from moving up in their jobs as they would hope to.
对线性表L=(a1,a2,…an),下列陈述正确的是( )。
A. 每个元素都有一个直接前驱和一个直接后继。
B. 线性表中至少有一个元素。
C. 表中诸元素的排列必须是由小到大或者由大到小。
D. 除第一个和最后一个元素外,其余每个元素都有一个且仅有一个直接前驱和直接后继。