将某聚合物2.5 g溶于100.0 mL水中,在20℃时测得的渗透压为101.325Pa。已知R=8.314 kPa.L.mol-1.K-1,该聚合物的摩尔质量是()。
A. 6.0×102g.mol-1
B. 4.2×104g.mol-1
C. 6.0×105g.mol-1
D. 2.1×106g.mol-1
A. 本单位应税产品的单位税额
B. 矿产品原产地的单位税额
C. 矿产品收购地的单位税额
D. 税务机关核定的单位税额
A. 工资薪金收入1万元
B. 房屋出租收入5000元
C. 发表小说取得报酬3000元
D. 体育彩票中奖收入2万元
Woman: I met Tom the other day. You know what, he has cut his long hair. It seems that he
An authority-respecter.
B. A renowned person.
C. A criminal.
D. A problem person.
Woman: Kate always stays in her own world and lives in a dream. Man: I don't think she can
A. She is not satisfied with her life.
B. She isolates herself from the outside world.
C. She can find a peaceful life only in her dreams.
D. She can't be at peace with others.