听力原文:W: Let me get you some coffee or tea, or would you rather have something cold, like Coca Cola?
M: Well, there's nothing like water when the weather's hot.
Q: Which drink does the man prefer?
A. Coffee.
B. Tea.
C. Water.
D. Coca-Cola.
Newton was never a good student and had never finished his university studies.
A. Y
B. N
听力原文:M: I haven't seen Calvin lately.
W: I wish I could say the same. He frequently drops by just at Supper time. I couldn't be so angry if he called to warn us. But he always claims that he fogot our number.
Q: Why is the woman so angry at Calvin?
A. Because he forgot her phone number.
Because she hasn't seem him lately.
C. Because he never invites her to dinner.
D. Because he doesn't phone ahead before visiting.
A.They could drive the insects away.B.They could keep the plants well-watered.C.They c
A. They could drive the insects away.
B. They could keep the plants well-watered.
C. They could make the plants grow faster.
D. They could build devices to trap insects.
听力原文:W: Oh, I wish that bus would come! My feet are freezing!
M: Have you been waiting long?
W: It feels like hours --but I suppose I' ye only been here ten minutes or so,
M: That' s long enough in this weather. This is awful. I hate winter.
W: So do I. And this morning the sun was shining and they were predicting light rein.
M: F ye been calling the weather report all day since it started to snow. They' re still predicting one or two inches but we’ve got at least three inches already. My shoes are full of snow.
W: Well, that' s typical. Remember last year when they predicted four inches of snow and we ended up with four feet?
M: I wasn't here last year, but we had the same thing in Detroit. We were supposed to get a little rain one night, but when we woke up, guess what? There was six inches of snow on the ground and it was still coming down hard. I didn't go to work that day.
W: Well, if it' s really that had, I won' t go in to the office tomorrow. I'11 work at home.
M: What kind of work do you do?
W: I' m an attorney. My office is around the comer.
M: Ah, that' s where I've seen you before, I work in the same building in that travel agency off the lobby.
W: Oh, of course.
M: And I've seen you walk by several times. Stop in and have a cup of coffee sometime.
W: I wish I had a cup of coffee right now.
M: Well, listen, we' re standing right in front of a coffee house. Why don' t I get some coffee and bring it out for us?
W: That sounds wonderful. Oh, look, there's the bus. Thanks anyway.
M: That's OK. Another time. Boy, am I glad to see that bus!
At a subway station.
B. At a bus station.
C. At a railway station.
D. At the airport.