与船舶停车冲程无关而对倒车冲程影响较大的因素是()。①船舶吃水; ②主机倒车功率;③主机换向操作时间。
A. 主机换向所需时间越长,倒车功率越小,倒车冲程越大
B. 主机换向所需时间越长,倒车功率越大,倒车冲程越大
C. 主机换向所需时间越短,倒车功率越小,倒车冲程越大
D. 主机换向所需时间越短,倒车功率越大,倒车冲程越大
A. 水深越大、船舶污底越严重,倒车冲程越大
B. 水深越大、船舶污底越轻微,倒车冲程越大
C. 水深越小、船舶污底越严重,倒车冲程越小
D. 水深越小、船舶污底越轻微,倒车冲程越小
He's usually indifferent to the feelings of other people; he can neither understand nor____with my eagerness and anxiety.
There has been no official____that the documents are original, although different sources from the media and the public suggest that they are.