

A. 正确
B. 错误



A. 500多
B. 400多
C. 300多


A. 1.544Mbps
B. 1Mbps
C. 2.048Mbps
D. 10M

You need to create a web share on your Windows 2000 Professional computer named Admin01. You create a folder named reports. Then you configure web sharing on Reports. You name the share WebReports and allow Read permissions on the share. You test the web share by pointing to http://admin01/WebReports from another computer. You receive the following error message, ‘You are not authorized to view this page.’ You need to be able to access the folder. What must you do?()

Allow write permission on WebReports.
B. Allow directory browsing permissions on WebReports.
C. In the IIS console, enable anonymous access to WebReports.
D. In the IIS console, set the execute permissions option to script and executables on webReport

甲银行是A股上市公司,系ABC会计师事务所的常年审计客户。XYZ咨询公司是ABC会计师事务所的网络事务所。在对甲银行2017年度财务报表执行审计的过程中存在下列事项: 乙保险公司与甲银行均为丙公司的重要子公司。乙保险公司于2017年2月聘请XYZ咨询公司为其提供与财务会计系统相关的内部审计服务,并由乙保险公司承担管理层职责。乙保险公司及丙公司不是ABC会计师事务所的审计客户。 针对上述事项,指出是否存在违反中国注册会计师职业道德守则的情况,并简要说明理由。
