快速血糖监测最常用的采血部位是( )
A. 任意部位
B. 腹部
C. 上臂外侧
D. 前臂内侧
E. 手指
监测手指血糖说法错误的是( )
A. 试纸在使用前才能取出
B. 告诉患者测血糖的目的意义及方法
C. 患者末梢循环不良时,应反复挤捏患者指端
D. 试纸代码与血糖仪代码必须一致
What items do they enjoy buying most?Look at the people below and read the statements. Then watch Part 1 of the podcast and match the statements to each person.
Give the gist of this recording in English and then in Chinese.