What is head tank in the closed cooling water system used for?
A. for the release of air from the cooling water
B. providing expansion room for heated cooling water
C. a place for implementing water and water treatment agent
D. any of the others
If a kind of liquid is used to cool the diesel engine, it is invariably called _____.
A. lubricant
B. coolant
C. combustion product
D. second refrigerant
以下不属于“美文”的散文集是( )
A. 周作人的《自己的园地》
B. 俞平伯的《燕知草》
C. 冰心的《笑》
D. 唐弢的《推背集》
以下不属于鲁迅后期杂文集的是( )
A. 《三闲集》
B. 《华盖集》
C. 《而已集》
D. 《准风月谈》
报告文学《一九三六年春在太原》的作者是( )。
A. 宋之的
B. 范长江
C. 夏衍
D. 丘东平